Changes to this book from the print version to the web

Wherever a footnote in the book pointed to another part of the book, I made the footnote take you there immediately. This way you don't have to go through one unnecessary page. The most common example of this is a footnote that takes you to the glossary. Some of these may not take you to the exact location of the word being footnoted (and I don't know why), but the glossary is in alphabetical order so I'm sure you can find it.

Furthermore, I have constructed my own table of contents of the entire book, which lists the table of content in the original as well as all the other things not listed in that table of contents. To distinguish this from the actual table of contents I have called this the "General Overview."

Also, images are to be found in the original on the pages corresponding to the pages on which the images begin in the internet version. That is to say, in this version some images may start on the correct page, but then run over into the next one.

And lastly, the footnotes that were originally in French are presented in English here.